Pikes Peak Genealogical Society
  • If you've forgotten your user name and/or password and want to log in, click above to send a message to the membership vice president. She can help you and can even reset your password, if needed.
  • Membership or account inquiries? Ask here.
  • Send us changes of address or other contact information.
  • Attach a photo to be added to your member page.
  • Please don't use the info@ppgs.org address for these matters.
  • For research requests or general inquiries.
  • For research, include full names, dates, and what information you are seeking. Be as complete as possible.
  • Have you checked Pikes Peak Newsfinder? You may request free digital copies of obituaries and other articles.
  • Also see Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection: https://www.coloradohistoricnewspapers.org/ 
  • PPGS will provide 30 minutes of research. Donations are appreciated, but don't send $ before we do the research.

Contacting PPGS

Mailing Address
Pikes Peak Genealogical Society
PO Box 63901
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80962
General Inquiry: info@ppgs.org
Executive Board
President: Nancy Wehner
Membership VP: Judy Taylor
Programs VP: Jan Myers
Secretary: Chris Ann Flohr
Treasurer: Lisa Edwards
Archivist: Gail Sohns
Committee Chairs
CCGS Delegate: Raymond Barnes
Education: Nancy Wehner
Hospitality: Vacant
Newsletter: Linda Pearce
Publicity: Deana Reich
Webmaster: Linda Masden Vixie

Monthly Meetings
The Pikes Peak Genealogical Society meets on the second Wednesday of each month via Zoom. Guests are welcome. 
PPGS members should receive an email invitation to the Zoom meeting by the day before the meeting. If you don't receive it, check your spam folder, then message the webmaster. We've found that sometimes invitations don't go through.
Guests are welcome to attend the meeting via Zoom. Please request an invitation from the PPGS President.