Pikes Peak Genealogical Society
Welcome to the Pikes Peak Genealogical Society in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado. Our mission is to preserve family history by indexing records; support research with free classes, lectures, special interest groups, one-on-one help; and contribute to public genealogy causes. We focus on El Paso and Teller Counties, but we support genealogical research everywhere. 
PPLD Regional History & Genealogy at Penrose Library: 20 N. Cascade, Colorado Springs, Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 1:30 - 5 p.m.; appointments not required. Great U.S. genealogy collection.
Key local resources:
Pikes Peak NewsFinder: index to newspapers and other local records. NOTE: PPNF is currently down until it is migrated to new platform. In the interim, click here https://ppld.org/regional-history-genealogy to request PPNF lookups from the library. 

November 13 Meeting
via Zoom
The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of American Divorce
by Judy Russell, CG
Our ancestors’ marriages lasted so much longer than our own. One reason: it was so hard to get a divorce. But it still happened, and the records created in the process tell us much about our ancestors, their lives, and the laws they lived by. 
A genealogist with a law degree, Judy G. Russell is a nationally recognized lecturer, educator, and writer who enjoys helping others understand a wide variety of genealogical issues, including the interplay between genealogy and the law. She has worked as a newspaper reporter, trade association writer, legal investigator, defense attorney, federal prosecutor, law editor, and, until her retirement, was an adjunct member of the faculty at Rutgers Law School. Judy is a Colorado native with roots deep in the American south on her mother’s side and entirely in Germany on her father’s side. Visit her website at www.legalgenealogist.com.
Members: If you need the monthly meeting link, log in with your user name and password, then click on "Monthly Meeting Zoom Link," the second button under Member Log In. 
Guests are welcome to attend the meeting via Zoom. Please request an invitation from the PPGS President. Please note that only members receive meeting handouts. If you are interested in joining PPGS go to PPGS Join / Renew.
Wednesday, November 13
6:30 p.m., Mountain Time, Zoom hangout begins
7 p.m., Mountain Time, Meeting begins via Zoom
The Pikes Peak Genealogical Society meets on the second Wednesday of each month via Zoom. Guests are welcome.

October 14
British Institute
For information, see www.isbgfh.com/bi.
October 16
Lunch and Scavenger Hunt
Are you ready to get together with your genealogy friends? PPGS has been researching ways for our members to meet and enjoy each other's company for a few hours. We are having a gathering for lunch on Wednesday, October 16, at Adams Mountain Cafe, 26 Manitou Ave., Manitou Srpings. This ...
November 10
  This is a free genealogical writing group sponsored by the Colorado Genealogical Society (CGS) - you do not have to be a CGS member to attend. However, PPGS does encourage you to become a member if you are finding that you are attending on a regular basis - support the ...
November 23
Colorado Chapter Palatines to America Fall Seminar
Speaker: Warren Bittner   In-Person and via Zoom.   For information and to register, see https://www.copalam.us/.