Board for Certification of Genealogists resources organized under the headings Books, Commentary and Citations, Magazine Articles, Journal Articles, Webinars, DNA FAQ. Valuable for genealogists wanting to understand how to use DNA responsibly to answer genealogical questions.
Blog site by Roberta Estes; more than 1,500 blogs on using DNA for genetic genealogy.
Blog site by Judy Russell. Many of her blogs deal with genetic genealogy news, education, tips.
A website and blog on more advanced DNA analysis by grouping matches by where they match on your chromosome. Website is by Jim Bartlett.
Useful tools for DNA analysis including the Shared cM Project, What Are the Odds?, and a chromosome painter.
Tools for DNA match analysis.
2021 RootsTech presentation by Elena Falla Fowler on understanding and working with DNA results in endogamous populations, in this case the Maori of New Zealand. Presented in three segments of about an hour total.
Scroll down to "Genetics & Anthropology." Information on Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups and more.
A series of articles by Roberta Estes
International Society of Genetic Genealogy
How to easily cluster your close DNA matches to visualize how they are related to you and each other by Dana Leeds. Does the math work?
Owned by MyHeritage.
Has 109,000 SNPs in database associated positively or negatively with 537 medical conditions.
Enter number of segments, total DNA shared, and get better relationship predictions for third cousins or closer. Hosted by DNA Science.
From DNA Adoption; adapt it for identifying unknown ancestors. Three things that can add difficulty to the search: affairs, adoption, name changes.
by Roberta Estes, 28 Mar 2023